martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

What does it belong to you?

To express possession is to express what we own, to refer what it belongs to us, for example:
When you ask:
Whose bag is this?
Possible answers if you are the ownwer:

  • It's mine

  • It belongs to me

  • It's my bag

    • What if a third person refers possession or something belongs to someone ( a person)

      For example:

        Whose dog is that? (Megan)

        It`s Megan's

        It's hers

        It's her dog

        It belongs to her.

        That dog belongs to Megan

      lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

      What do you do everyday?

      To talk about routines, habits and general information is to talk about Present simple.

      These are some chores we do as routines: make the bed, do the laundry, do the dishes, clean up the house.
      chores Pictures, Images and Photos

      I always help my mother to do some chores:

      I always make my bed in the morning before going to school.

      We do the dishes after having dinner.

      My mom cleans up the house, she always keeps it shining.

      To talk about habits is necessary to use the frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely/hardly ever and never.

      We can also use some time expressions which refer a habit or a frequency of action
      Here you have some examples.


      I always do yoga on Sunday morning

      Students usually do their homework at the computer

      We often go to the cinema on Wednesday.

      I sometimes listen to music on the radio.

      My family and I hardly ever go on vacation in December.

      My dad never gets late to work.

      I take a bath everyday

      From Monday to Friday we take Art lessons.

      On tuesday evenings we join our reading club.

      We also use present simple to talk about personal information related to:

      likes or dislikes:

      I like cars but I don't like to wash them

      martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

      Present Continuous

      What are you doing right now?
      You know present continuous or progressive expresses what events or situations are happening in this very moment.
      e.g. I'm watching tv now.

      But there’s another use of this tense, future. We can use present continuous structure to refer to arranged plans, for example:

      Next weekend, we are having a costumes party.

      what is there in your spot?

      Talking about existance, we use the structure "there is" for sigular statements or "There are" for plural ones. If we describe a place or a spot we definitely must use these structures.
      For example:

      In the city where I live, there are a lot of pollution and noise which come mainly from cars. There are a lot of houses because there are a lot of people as well. However there are a lot of tourist attractions to visit, for instance: The government palace, Chapultepec´s castle, Center town, Benito Juárez enclosure, Coyoacán Plaza, just to name a few.

      I could mention not only good aspects about my country but also bad ones for instance:

      Although there is a cultural diversity of Indian communities

      There is still discrimination

      Now let´s analyze there is/there are structures.

      View more documents from tanica.

      martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


      Let´s review a little about the verb to be. How much do you know about it? you know, this verb "be" is a chameleo

      Why? because it changes according to each particular condition, for example,

      • when you talk about your age, you use this verb to refer how old you are: I am 15 years old. ( Tengo 15 años)
      • When want to express your state of mood, you say: I am really hungry ( en verdad tengo mucha hambre)
      • when you want to talk about weather (climate) conditions, you say: It is cold ( I´m freezing) [Hace frío, me estoy congelando]
      • when you describe someone, or even if you want to talk about what you are like, you say: I´m a sensitive and romantic guy [ soy un chico romántico y sensible]
      • When we want to refer to cost or price, we say, how much is it? Oh! It is 5 dollars. ( ¿cuánto cuesta? ah, si! cuesta 5 dólares)

      Now check the exercises and try to do them, but firs check the information pages or links to understand much better this "verb to be" topic.


      In this space you will be able to accomplish with the contents of the Subject, English III.
      First we will start with a review about some topics you already Know, which are: greetings, likes, dislikes, habits, routines and describing actions in progress. Afterwards we will be studying everything about past actions, such as past habits, past events, past situations affected by other ones and so.

      Once we have learned about past tense, we will focus on future events, our life planning, date arrangements and commitments.
      Finally we will learn reading comprehension strategies, we will go into lectures of any kind,from poetry, scientific texts, and literature to lyrics comprehension.
      " not to carry out what we are expected to do but to carry out what it is correct to ourselves." (unknown)